Our team has worked together on a range of complex cases since 2018. We bring a unique range of legal, clinical, and restorative expertise to prevent and respond to sexually harmful behaviour. 

Meet our team

Emma Mossman Mossmans Consultant and Director
  • Emma holds a degree in Psychology, a Masters in Clinical Social Work, and has worked across New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom in the field of behavioural management. With 16 years’ experience in criminal justice, mental health and large institutions Emma provides expert guidance to navigate complex behaviours. Emma’s clinical background includes working with incarcerated sexual offenders as well as non-mandated clients who have caused harm. Her expertise in threat assessment, behavioural risk management and trauma informed practice provides reassurance to enable your organisation to move forward in a safe and defensible manner. Over the last eight years Emma has worked in the public and private sectors implementing whole of organisation change to prevent and respond to harmful behaviour. With a survivor focussed foundation Emma’s practice prioritises the needs of those who have been harmed, while supporting rehabilitation and reintegration for those who have caused harm. Her unique system-wide perspective enables a holistic understanding of the complexity of factors in harm prevention and response. Emma is an expert trainer and facilitator and brings a fresh and informed approach to working with people and groups.

Haley Farrar Mossmans Senior Consultant
  • Haley holds a degree in Psychology, Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies and Juris Doctorate, with experience across New Zealand, Australia and the United States. A former attorney, Haley has expertise in restorative practices as an educator, facilitator, coach and researcher. She currently supports a wide range of organisations to become “restorative workplaces”. Haley brings expertise in supporting organisations to implement restorative frameworks and navigate entrenched conflict in a manner that repairs harm and restores community. Hayley is a specialist in training development with a background researching and publishing on restorative practice teaching and facilitation. Haley is a Resolution Institute Accredited Mediator, a certified coach through the International Coaching Federation and serves on the Advisory Council of the National Association for Community and Restorative Justice. 

Steve Wragg Headshot Mossmans Senior Consultant
  • Steve is a specialist Barrister (credentials) with 20 years legal experience practising in specialist employment and health and safety law in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Steve brings a range of legal experience from practising employment law in multinational firms to leading in-house Employment Law and Employment Relations teams. His background working in large scale, complex institutions provides an in-depth understanding of both the operational complexities and the importance of effectively addressing harmful behaviour. Steve’s experience enables the provision of legal and strategic advice to support organisations to navigate problematic employment relation situations. Steve has worked to support organisations to implement policies and procedures to address harmful behaviour, as well as providing complex case guidance that is pragmatic, responsive and focused on his clients’ strategic objectives.